1、JFQ 105, 2nd Quarter 2022 Crabb 99Toward Military DesignSix Ways the JP 5-0s Operational Design Falls ShortBy Andrew L. CrabbThe day after Kabul fell to the Taliban, a combatant commander reportedly went to his J5 and told him to come back within 48 hours with data on the effects that the loss of Af
2、ghanistan would have on the future of military planning. While the verac-ity of this account cannot be directly verified, the rumorand the speed at which it spreadspeaks to the coming scrutiny that joint planning is sure to undergo from multiple quarters. The refocus on strategic competition/crisis/
3、conflict (among the United States, Russia, and China) and the rise of gray zone operations, along with the persis-tence of irregular warfare, all demand that our methodologies for conceiving and planning keep pace with the rapid evolution of our operation foci.Joint Publication (JP) 5-0, Joint Plann
4、ing, is the metronome for conceiving and planning joint operations. It paces op-erational thinking and is the go-to resource for all joint force commanders, planners, task leads, and action officers. While JP 5-0 informs curricula at our intermediate-level education and advanced military studies in-