1、Analysis Paper*NOTE:The ideas contained in the Analysis Papers are the responsibility of their authors.They do not necessarily reflect the thinking of the IEEE or the Ministry of Defence.Analysis Paper28/2022 1 Receive the E-NEWSLETTER Visit the WEBSITE 28/2022 27/04/2022 Jos Pardo de Santayana From
2、 Ukraine to Taiwan:Learning to live in a worse world From Ukraine to Taiwan:Learning to live in a worse world Abstract:The war in Ukraine can be understood as a first act of a war of greater proportions for global supremacy between the U.S.and China.Depending on how and when this war finishes,the st
3、arting conditions will be shaped for a historical period on which the Thucydides Trap will cast its inexorable shadow.Washington is pressing for Beijing and New Delhi to break ties with Moscow.The survival of the Russian regime after the Ukrainian war will largely depend on the support it receives f
4、rom both powers.The recomposition of alliances and alignments is key to a future world that tends to polarize and is in danger of becoming very fragmented.Faced with a more tense and insecure strategic environment,very different from the international order of origin,the different future scenarios n