1、C) 0 7 ! Congressional Research Service 0 4 The Library of Congress Washmgton. D.C. 2054 COMPLIMENTS OF Gene Snyder SEX DISCRIMINATION IN EDUCATION: TITLE IX IP0166 In response to numeroue requests for information on sex discrimination in educational programs and activities, we have compiled this co
2、llection of materials. The Reagan administration recently announced its plans to review Federal guidelines intended to protect women from discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance (Title IX, Civil Rights Act as amended 1972). Title IX has most freq
3、uently been identified with efforts to curtail discrimination in college athletics. Now, legislation proposed in the 97th Congress may specifically eliminate sports from intercollegiate activities covered by Title IX. This Infopack reviews the reasons Title IX came about, its applica- tion to women
4、in sports, other Federal laws and regulations prohibiting sex discrimination in educational institutions, and sources of additional information. More information may be available in a local library through the use of indexes such as the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. We include a list of ag