1、REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE1.Report Security Classification:UNCLASSIFIED2.Security Classification Authority:3.Declassification/Downgrading Schedule:4.Distribution/Availability of Report:DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A:APPROVED FOR PUBLICRELEASE;DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED.5.Name of Performing Organization:JOIN
2、T MILITARY OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT6.Office Symbol:C7.Address:NAVAL WAR COLLEGE 686 CUSHING ROAD NEWPORT,RI 02841-12078.Title(Include Security Classification):The UAV and the Operational Commander(U)9.Personal Authors:LCDR Michael A.Tluchowski,U.S.Navy10.Type of Report:FINAL11.Date of Report:4 February
3、 200212.Page Count:29 12A Paper Advisor(if any):Lt.Col.Joseph Dill13.Supplementary Notation:A paper submitted to the Faculty of the NWC in partial satisfaction of the requirements of the JMO Department.The contents of this paper reflect my own personal views and are not necessarily endorsed by the N
4、WC or the Department of the Navy.14.Ten key words that relate to your paper:UAV,Operational Commander,Command and Control,Operational Functions,BattleSpace Awareness15.Abstract:This paper will address the UAVs evolution into a valuable asset for the operational commander.The writer arguesthat the in